ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association  ATAA

Harmoon Center for Contemporary StudiesHaramoon center

منظمة رحمة بلا حدود Mercy Without limits

الجمعية الطبية السورية الأمريكية سامز sams

الدفاع المدني السوري (الخوذ البيضاء) Syria Civil Defence

Syrian Forum Syrian forum

جمعية الأيادي البيضاء  White hands

The conference aims to achieve a number of objectives, including:

• Shedding light on new patterns of humanitarian intervention in northern Syria.

• Exploring opportunities for social and economic empowerment in northern Syria and transitioning towards stability by presenting ideas, projects, and initiatives that promote sustainability and empower local communities and organizations.

• Building a common vision for the upcoming phase and proposing solutions to achieve significant improvements in the Syrian situation socially and economically.

The conference, held over two days, includes:

• Ana açılış etkinliği: Türkiye ve Arap kamuoyundan ve Birleşmiş Milletler'den katılımcıların konuşmaları

• Ekonomik Güçlendirme Öncüleri Fuarı.

• Specialized seminars and workshops on economic and social empowerment.

• The closing event, including recommendations and the announcement of projects in economic and social empowerment.

• International organizations.

• The Turkish government.

• Arab, Turkish, and Islamic organizations.

• Syrian civil society organizations.

• Institutions and entities interested in economic and social empowerment.

• Public figures and media agencies.

• Businessmen and investors.

Representatives from Syrian institutions, international organizations, investment companies, researchers, former ministers, government officials, and representatives of local and governance events.

نعم سيكون المؤتمر دورياً وهو مفتوح لكل المؤسسات التي ترغب بالمشاركة بنسخته الثانية Yes, the conference will be periodic and open to all institutions wishing to participate in its second edition according to the plan.

A permanent committee will be formed to prepare for the next conference in its second edition, follow up on the conference's recommendations, prepare to present new topics that may arise from the conference's recommendations, prepare studies for them, alongside monitoring the implementation of projects and commitments announced and presenting success stories to the public and interested parties.

Building a common vision for the coming phase and proposing solutions to achieve significant improvements in the Syrian situation economically and socially.

Social and economic empowerment opportunities are possible in light of the growth potentials enjoyed by the northwest Syria region and promising investment opportunities for a community of over 4 million people, predominantly young adults aged between 18 and 38. This can be achieved by empowering young people and granting them the ability to exercise their right to self-determination by harnessing their capabilities through collective and individual initiatives that lift them from a state of poverty and reliance on humanitarian aid to the freedom of choice and human dignity. This can be achieved through effective partnerships between investment and capabilities in various forms and in agricultural, industrial, and service sectors through cooperative, solidarity, and innovative partnerships that can contribute to reintegrating the region's community and transforming it into an active force possessing sustainability and development factors. 4 Social and economic empowerment opportunities are possible in light of the growth potentials enjoyed by the northwest Syria region and promising investment opportunities for a community of over 4 million people, predominantly young adults aged between 18 and 38. This can be achieved by empowering young people and granting them the ability to exercise their right to self-determination by harnessing their capabilities through collective and individual initiatives that lift them from a state of poverty and reliance on humanitarian aid to the freedom of choice and human dignity. This can be achieved through effective partnerships between investment and capabilities in various forms and in agricultural, industrial, and service sectors through cooperative, solidarity, and innovative partnerships that can contribute to reintegrating the region's community and transforming it into an active force possessing sustainability and development factors.
