Amidst the severe humanitarian crisis in northern Syria, accompanied by significant economic and social challenges, and against the backdrop of a noticeable widening of humanitarian needs globally, coupled with a significant shortfall in support for northern Syria, there is an urgent need for economic and social empowerment to strive towards achieving sustainable development. A select group of leading humanitarian organizations are convening to organize an important conference aimed at initiating an active dialogue and fostering positive interaction to contribute to improving living conditions, as well as the economic and social future of the region's population.

البث المباشر لليوم الثاني

البث المباشر لليوم الأول

Main Conference Themes
Partnership Towards Renaissance
Contributions and Perspectives of Sponsoring Entities in the Path of Economic Empowerment and Sustainability.
Promoting Economic Recovery
Perspectives of International and Arab Organizations towards Stability and Sustainability in Conflict-Affected Areas.
Inspiring Stories
Success Stories from Countries that Overcame the Challenges of Wars and Crises.
Foundations of Development
The Role of Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Governance in the Education and Health Sectors in Economic Recovery.
Enhancing Investment Opportunities
Enhancing Investment Opportunities and the Role of Partners in Overcoming the Economic Crisis and the Effects of the Earthquake.
The Strategic Importance of International Community
The Strategic Importance of the International Community and Neighboring Countries in Supporting Economic Recovery and Empowerment in Northern Syria.
The conference aims to achieve a number of objectives, including:
Shedding light on new patterns of humanitarian intervention in northern Syria.
Exploring opportunities for social and economic empowerment of the population in northern Syria and transitioning towards stability by presenting a range of ideas, projects, and initiatives that promote sustainability and empower local communities and organizations.
Building a common vision for the coming phase and proposing solutions to achieve significant improvements in the Syrian situation economically and socially.

Business Meetings

Aligned with the conference's objectives aiming to present current empowerment needs and offer solutions for achieving economic empowerment, the conference will bring together various local, Arab, and international organizations, economic entities, and businessmen. It will provide a platform for dialogues and side meetings among attendees, fostering the exchange of ideas and potential partnerships. This will serve economic empowerment and development in northern Syria.

Empowerment Pioneers Exhibition

Alongside the conference, an exhibition will be held featuring pavilions for sponsoring entities and others for those interested in participating. The exhibition provides participating entities with the following opportunities:

Conference schedule

Day 1: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Reception of Participants and Guests
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Main Event
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Opening of the Empowerment Pioneers Exhibition
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

First Session: Promoting Economic Recovery: Perspectives of International and Arab Organizations towards Stability and Sustainability in Conflict-Affected Areas
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Second Session: Partnership Towards Renaissance: Contributions and Perspectives of Sponsoring Entities in the Path of Economic Empowerment and Sustainability
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Third Session: The Strategic Importance of the International Community and Neighboring Countries in Supporting Economic Recovery and Empowerment in Northern Syria.
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Specialized Workshop: Financial Value Chains: Integrating Banking, Telecommunications, and Logistics in a Sustainable Economic Environment
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Day 2: Friday, May 24, 2024

First Session: Enhancing Investment Opportunities and the Role of Partners in Overcoming the Economic Crisis and the Effects of the Earthquake.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

First Specialized Workshop: The importance of the agricultural sector in achieving food security and economic development.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Second Session: Foundations of Development: The Role of Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Governance in the Education and Health Sectors in Economic Recovery.
11:30 PM 1:00 - AM

Second Specialized Workshop: Microfinance, investment funds, and solidarity financing as tools for economic empowerment
11:30 PM 1:00 - AM

Third Session: Inspiring Stories: Success Stories from Countries that Overcame the Challenges of Wars and Crises.
2:30 PM 4:00 - PM

Third Specialized Workshop: Renewing Healthcare Systems: Innovative Financing for Healthcare
2:30 PM 4:00 - PM

Closing event
4:30 PM 6:00 - PM
Conference Supporters
ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association
Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS)
The Syria Civil Defense
White Hands Association
Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies
Syrian Forum
Mercy Without Limits Organization
Participating Entities
The Turkish government.
Businessmen and investors.
Arab, Turkish, and Islamic organizations.
Public figures, activists, and journalists.
International organizations.
Syrian civil society organizations.

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