First day 23/05/2024

First Session
Promoting Economic Recovery: Perspectives of International and Arab Organizations towards Stability and Sustainability in Conflict-Affected Areas

The main topics of the session

The role of united nations, Arab, and international organizations in shaping the future of conflict-affected regions.

Strategies of organizations in supporting development projects and early recovery efforts.

The form of the economic system that serves the basic needs of conflict-affected communities.


د.ريم اندرون

Technical Manager - SAMS
Session moderator

David Carden

Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator - UN

Saad Marzok Al-Otaibi

Chairman of the Federation of Kuwaiti Charitable Societies and Organizations

David Savard

Senior Program Coordinator - IOM

Mohamed Ramadan

Head of development programs- IICO
Second Session
Partnership Towards Renaissance: Contributions and Perspectives of Sponsoring Entities in the Path of Economic Empowerment and Sustainability

The main topics of the session

The role of strategic partnerships in enhancing sustainability in conflict areas.
The vision of sponsoring entities and their vital role in supporting development projects and economic empowerment.
Experiences of sponsoring organizations in implementing development programs and their tangible results on the ground.
The cooperation and integration offered by sponsoring organizations and their role in shaping a pioneering model towards stability and sustainability of services.


Alaa Hashem

Presenter of news and programs on Syria TV
Session moderator


General Director - Ataa Humanitarian Relief Association

Raed Al Saleh

Director of the Syrian Civil Defense Foundation (White Helmets)

Samir Seifan

Manager of the Harmon Center for Contemporary Studies

Abdullah Sibai

Director of the White Hands Association

Ghassan Hitto

CEO of the Syrian Forum

Dr. Mazen​ ​Kewara

Middle East RD- SAMS

Mhd Ammar Bani Almarjeh

CEO - Mercy Without Limits
Third Session
The Strategic Importance of the International Community and Neighboring Countries in Supporting Economic Recovery and Empowerment in Northern Syria.

The main topics of the session

How neighboring countries and the international community collaborate with local communities in northern Syria to achieve development and stability.
The importance of bilateral and multilateral partnerships to ensure the engagement of all parties in a support system that contributes to laying the foundations for economic and social stability.
The potential regional and international contribution to development through supportive empowerment initiatives.
The strategic importance of Turkey and the international community in facilitating and supporting the process of economic recovery and empowerment in northern Syria.


Yavuz Yiğit

Director of the Harmony Project
Session moderator

Dr. Edward Gonzalez

Supervisory Democracy and Governance Officer - USAID

Mehmet Sıddık Yıldırım

Turkish researcher interested in Arab affairs

Dr. Basem Hatahet

Director of the European Institute for Political Initiatives and Strategic Analysis

Manuela Oettinger

Head of Project - GIZ
First Specialized Workshop
Financial Value Chains: Integrating Banking, Telecommunications, and Logistics in a Sustainable Economic Environment

The main topics of the session

What are the effective strategies to achieve integration between the telecommunications, financial, and logistics sectors in supporting the local economy?
How can innovative banking transactions enhance the flexibility of businesses and startups?
What is the role of legislation and legal systems in facilitating integration between these sectors and supporting the economic environment?
In what ways can logistics infrastructure be developed to contribute to sustainable development?
What are the main challenges facing the construction of an integrated economic system and how can they be overcome?


Ahmad Alzeer

Institutional leadership and digital transformation consultant - CEO of Digi Steps Company
Session moderator

Dr. Monzer Kahf

Doctor of Economics - İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University


Academic and Economic Consultant

Dr: Abdul Hakim Hussein Al-Masry

Minister of Finance and Economy - SIG

Lokman Saraçoğlu

Manager of Ziraat Katılım Bank - Kayaşehir Branch - Istanbul

Second Day 24/05/2024

First Session
Enhancing Investment Opportunities and the Role of Partners in Overcoming the Economic Crisis and the Effects of the Earthquake.

The main topics of the session

The crucial role of capacity building and self-reliance.
The significant role of partnerships and various contributions in stimulating and enhancing development potentials by building effective partnerships in the local community and the active forces within it, as well as building partnerships between the local community and external investors and partners.
The role of various contributions in building partnerships between the local community, investors and external partners
Creating job opportunities and generating income allows the residents of these areas the possibility of self-reliance and sustainable growth.


Dr. Yahya Sayed omar

Head of the Trends Center for Economic Studies
Session moderator

DR. Nabil Marzouk

Economic researcher - Harmon Center for Contemporary Studies

Swar Dahab

Producer and presenter of the Imran program


President of the Federation of Commerce Chambers in Northern Syria

Mohamad Ayman Hamvıeh

Founder of Syria Makarna Company

DR. Sinan Hatahet

Deputy Director of the Syrian Forum
First Specialized Workshop
The Importance of the Agricultural Sector in Achieving Food Security and Economic Development

The main topics of the session

The importance of supporting sustainable agricultural practices that preserve the environment and natural resources, and contribute to improving agricultural productivity in the long term.
The importance of modernizing and developing the agricultural infrastructure in Syria
The importance of marketing agricultural products. And the proposed ideas to support the marketing and promotion of Syrian agricultural products.
Methods to enhance educational programs in agriculture and raise awareness about sustainable agricultural practices among farmers, to ensure the adoption of best practices and techniques in crop cultivation.
The importance of investing in modern agricultural technology and supporting innovation in agricultural production.


Dr. Ahmed Ekzayez

Program Manager - White Helmets
Session moderator

Mouhamad Hassno

Executive Director of the ACU Support Coordination Unit

Safwan Alhaiek

Program Coordinator - Ataa Association

Dr. Anas Alkaddour

Senior Food Security and Livelihoods Technical Advisor


Agricultural Expert
Second Session
Foundations of Development: The Role of Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Governance in the Education and Health Sectors in Economic Recovery.

The main topics of the session

The vital relationship between education, infrastructure rehabilitation, and governance as fundamental pillars for achieving sustainable economic development to reduce reliance on international aid.
The importance of rehabilitating basic infrastructure in supporting economic growth.
الاستراتيجيات والبرامج الناجحة التي تدعم الأساس لنمو اقتصادي شامل يركز على بناء النظم الصحية المتينة وتوفير الرعاية الصحية الشاملة، وتوفير التعليم الطبي الأكاديمي للشباب والكوادر الطبية.
ولوجيا الزراعة الحديثة ودعم الابتكار في الإنتاج الزراعي.


Nour H. Murad

Director of Public Relations - Syria TV
Session moderator

DR. Jalal Eddin Khanji

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Aleppo in the Liberated Areas

Dr. Mustafa KADAD

Advisor to the President of Mardin Artuklu University for International Relations

Dr. Zuhair Al-karrat

Director of Idlib Health

Dr. Bachir Tajaldin

Country Director of the Syrian American Medical Society Foundation

Fatimah Elfeitori

Senior Advocacy Officer - The White Helmets
Second Specialized Workshop
Microfinance, investment funds, and solidarity financing as tools for economic empowerment

The main topics of the session

Challenges of legal and economic regulations with the nature of fragile communities.
The importance of financing small projects between grants and bank loans.
The difference between financing small projects and financing entrepreneurship.


Munaff Koman

Economic researcher - Omran Center for Strategic Studies
Session moderator


Head of 4us Consulting Group

Eng. Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj

Co-Founder of the development consulting firm Logarit

Mohammad Almohammad Albaha

Executive Director of Hayat Microfinance Fund

Hussam Hlaak

Deputy Director General of Support Operations - White Helmets
Third Session
Inspiring Stories: Success Stories from Countries that Overcame the Challenges of Wars and Crises.

The main topics of the session

Inspiring economic success stories from countries that have overcome the challenges of war.

Presentation of innovative strategies pursued by these countries to enhance economic development.

How to apply the lessons and experiences of these countries in the Syrian context.


Khaled N.DIAB

Consultant in the field of humanitarian and development work
Session moderator


Former Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Dr Hany ElBanna

Founder of the International Islamic Relief Organization

Nawwaf Atawneh

Economic Empowerment Expert
Third Specialized Workshop
Inspiring Stories: Success Stories from Countries that Overcame the Challenges of Wars and Crises.

The main topics of the session

Reviewing practical experiences that have ensured sustainability in supporting the healthcare sector.
How can technology be utilized to create effective financing systems?
How can the healthcare sector transition from being purely humanitarian to a developmental sector to achieve sustainability?


Dr. Aref Razouk

CEO of Shafak Organization
Session moderator

Prof. Abdul Bari Khan

Founding President of Indus Hospital & Health Network

Dr. Muhammad Zahid Al-Masry

CEO of Physicians Across Continents


Syria Program Manager - SAMS